The Importance of Advocacy for businesses in Brookhaven, GA

We understand that today’s business professionals are busy focusing on the day-to-day responsibilities of their business and may find it difficult to be constantly engaged in public policy activities that can determine the future business environment. That’s where we come in.
As the leading advocate for business in Brookhaven, GA, the Chamber works to create and sustain a favorable business environment in which all businesses can connect, grow, and prosper.
Our advocacy team works on your behalf at the city, state and federal levels to promote public policy that bolsters the region’s economy and improve our competitiveness on a regional and national scale. In addition, we are a community partner and create broad-based coalitions around issues we all care about, including tax reform, transportation, infrastructure, education and workforce development.
From supporting the city’s development to supporting education and workforce development, the Chamber is working to create a better Brookhaven business community.